Danish Museum of Art And Design 2098-99
The Royal Museum of Scotland 1999
DANISH TAPESTRY’s first exhibition project (1998-99) was the hitherto most extensive: at the same time as showing our new, large pieces at Kunstindustrimuseet (Danish Museum of Art and Design, now Designmuseum Danmark / Design Museum Denmark) in Copenhagen, sketches and preliminary work were shown at KØS – museum for kunst i det offentlige rum (KØS – Museum of Art in Public Spaces) in Køge. The woven hangings were later shown at The National Museum of Scotland, Royal Museum in Edinburgh, where the exhibit walls were painted red and black – which worked surprisingly well.
Karen Abell, Margrethe Agger,
Grete Balle, Helle Baslund,
Anne Bjørn, Anet Brusgaard,
Jette Brønnum, Anne Marie Egemose,
Jette Erlandsen, Berthe Forchhammer,
Jette Valeur Gemzøe, Benedikte Groth,
Lisbeth Græm, Annette Graae,
Kari Guddal, Jenny Hansen,
Ane Henriksen, Nanna Hertoft,
Berit Hjelholt, Ruth Malinowski,
Jette Nevers, Nana Nissen,
Elisabeth Ryde, Naja Salto,
Charlotte Schrøder, Hanne Skyum,
Randi Studsgarth, Jette Thyssen,
Lise Warburg, Anette Ørom.